There are more than 1,300,000 cancer patients in Ukraine. Every day 450 Ukrainians are diagnosed with cancer.
Anxiety, fear, apathy, depression - this is an incomplete list of emotional states that accompany a person and his or her family at different stages of the fight against cancer. Such a moral burden does not contribute to a speedy recovery, but only worsens the general condition of the patient and his or her family.
The support of a psychologist who will help you accept yourself, cope with emotions, and be there for you to keep track of destructive thoughts and help you make rational decisions is extremely valuable.
88 specialists of mental health of the #VARTOZHYTY call center have been trained by the Ukrainian Psycho-Oncology Association, leading oncologists, and palliative care experts, and provide psychological support to cancer patients, their relatives, friends, colleagues, and those who suffer from carcinophobia.
The line was launched on June 16, 2021.
Since February 25, 2022, the all-Ukrainian free psychological assistance line for cancer patients and their loved ones of the #VARTOZHYTY call center has been operating as usual.
Psychological support is necessary for both cancer patients and their relatives and friends.
In order not to leave cancer patients alone in the fight against cancer and to dispel doubts about treatment, our specialists provide free professional psychological counseling.
Contact us. Every subscriber is important to us.
Лінія почала свою роботу 16 червня 2021 року.
З 25 лютого 2022 року всеукраїнська безкоштовна лінія психологічної допомоги для онкопацієнтів та їхніх близьких кол-центру #ВАРТОЖИТИ продовжує працювати у звичному режимі.
Психологічна підтримка необхідна як самим онкопацієнтам, так і їхнім родичам та близьким.
Аби не залишити онкопацієнтів покинутими напризволяще у боротьбі з раком та розвіяти сумніви щодо лікування, наші спеціалісти надають безкоштовну фахову психологічну консультацію.
Звертайтеся! Для нас важливий кожен абонент.
The work of the back-office team of the #VARTOZHYTY psychological support call center is implemented with the financial support of United Ukraine Appeal, an Australian charity founded by a group of concerned Ukrainians.
United Ukraine Appeal provides practical support to Ukrainians in need: medical and humanitarian aid, promotes the rehabilitation of veterans, and provides protection to civilians affected by the fighting.
The Foundation's team works hard to save lives and help those affected by the war.
The #VARTOZHYTY call center psychologists
Nadiya Klochnyk
Olha Mukha
Iryna Kabardinova
All-Ukrainian call center #VARTOZHYTY of freepsychological support for civilian and military Ukrainians
All-Ukrainian call center of free
psychological support for civilian and military Ukrainians #ВАРТОЖИТИ
All-Ukrainian call center of free
psychological support for civilian and military Ukrainians #ВАРТОЖИТИ
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